Francesca Emmitte
Texas A&M’s men’s club soccer practices at Penberthy Rec Sports Complex at 8 p.m. on Oct. 10, 2024 in preparation to host SMU on Oct. 20.
Members of the Texas A&M’s men’s club soccer team said they are looking for wins in the final two regular-season games to secure a spot at regionals from Nov. 1-3 in Denton.
The Aggies are 3-2 in the regular season and will host SMU on Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Penberthy Rec Sports Complex. The Mustangs are winless so far this season.
The Aggies have an automatic advantage over the Mustangs with their current standing of fourth in the Texas Collegiate Soccer League, economics graduate Greysen Golgert said.
“We have them at home, so that’s already a huge advantage,” Golgert said. “The Texas away game right now is probably what we’re totally dialed in on, but then the focus will immediately shift to SMU.”
The Aggies hold a guaranteed spot in second place if they win against the Longhorns on Friday in Austin and against SMU, Golgert said.
“First and second [place] go on to regionals, so if we win our last two games we are in a guaranteed position where we will finish second place,” Golgert said.
The Aggies feel confident going into this game against SMU, according to supply chain management senior Cedric Van der Donckt.
“We’ve had some positive results,” Van der Donckt said. “Good practices [as] of lately, and we know that SMU struggled a bit this season, so we’re very confident.”
Even with high confidence, the Aggies still feel anxious about the season’s close, Van der Donckt said.
“We have a game against Texas the Friday before [the SMU game],” Van der Donckt said. “Two games in a span of less than 48 hours, especially considering Texas is going to be a really physical game, and then playing [an afternoon] game in the heat at 1 o’clock — it’s gonna be very tiring.”
Playing seven games in the regular season has helped the Aggies better themselves, engineering freshman Aaron Keating said.
“I feel like we’re doing a great job,” Keating said. “The best way to get better is just to play, so I feel like if we keep playing, we’ll get better.”
A key factor in prepping is warming up, Keating said.
“[We] stretch, get a good warmup in so we don’t get injured while playing,” Keating said. “Then, we do a little bit of passing and possession. We normally do a scrimmage or something [to] get used to playing.”
With only two games left in the regular season, the pressure is on, Golgert said.
“We don’t have much time left,” Golgert said. “Finish strong. I don’t want to go home after these two games. I want us to keep going because I know we have the talent. We’re a big school; we have a lot of talent here. I just want us to keep rolling and really just put in 100% every single day.”
The match against the Mustangs is scheduled for a 1 p.m. start at Penberthy Rec Sports Complex and attendance is free. The game can be accessed through the club’s Instagram account.
Francesca Emmitte is a journalism junior and contributed this article from the course JOUR 359, Reporting Sports, to The Battalion.