Photo by Abbey Santoro
Anyone looking for winter activities can visit Santa’s Wonderland for Christmas light displays and an outdoor Christmas celebration.
Finals are nearly over and fall 2020 graduation is just around the corner. For anyone looking for some excitement over the winter break in Aggieland, Bryan-College Station has many activities to offer.
1. Check out a Hallmark movie set
Yet another Hallmark Christmas movie will be filmed in assorted locations in Bryan-College Station following the movie “Rekindling Christmas”. This new movie is titled “No More Goodbyes” and will film at the Brazos County Courthouse, Grand Station and the Dairy Queen on Texas Avenue.
2. Visit Santa’s Wonderland
This wintertime attraction is a popular destination for families and students alike. Dubbed “The Largest Outdoor Christmas Celebration in the South,” Santa’s Wonderland offers carriage rides, visits with Santa and a variety of Christmas light displays to create a holiday atmosphere.
3. Check out Northgate
An ever-popular student location, Northgate is full of bars, small businesses and restaurants to provide a variety of entertainment for those in College Station over the holidays. Popular establishments include O’Bannon’s Taphouse, Hurricane Harry’s Dance Hall, Antonio’s Pizza and the famous Dixie Chicken. Over the break, these places shouldn’t be too packed, so social distance and wear your masks!
4. Visit historic Downtown Bryan
With the holiday season upon Bryan-College Station, Downtown Bryan with its historic small businesses and iconic locations such as the Queen Theatre are lit up and decorated for winter. Destination Bryan is also hosting a Lighted Holiday Stroll on Friday, Dec. 11 from 6 to 7 p.m. where visitors can walk among holiday parade floats parked on the streets of Downtown Bryan.
5. Get ahead on your holiday shopping
The holiday season is drawing near and with shipping times still varying, now is the time to go out with friends and find those perfect items to give to loved ones. Small businesses around Bryan-College Station, still struggling from the effects of COVID-19, are open and ready to sell gifts and food for the holidays.