Friends and family surprised Texas A&M custodial staff member Laverne Walton with a party celebrating her recent acceptance by Bryan-College Station’s Habitat for Humanity chapter.
Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization that builds homes for low-income families, has chapters all around the world.
Jennifer Cruz, director of family services at the Bryan-College Station Habitat for Humanity chapter, said interested applicants attend an informational that details the requirements and criteria for applying. Application packets are passed out at this meeting.
“Then two weeks later, they turn their applications in at what we call ‘Intake,’” Cruz said. “That’s where our process begins. We look at their application to make sure they meet the criteria.”
Cruz said while the houses are more affordable, one of the criteria that must be met by applicants is 300 hours of volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity.
Applicants complete this volunteer work at different areas represented by Habitat for Humanity, such as their re-sale store, their office or various construction sites.
Cruz said a committee then goes over applications to make sure applicants meet the criteria.
“If they do, we take it to the board of directors, and they decide who gets approved,” Cruz said.
For those who are approved, the house still comes with a mortgage, albeit a reduced one.
“It’s also interest-free,” Cruz said. “It’s a 20 to 30 year mortgage, so having zero percent interest is a big help.”
Cruz said she expects construction to begin in 2016.
“It takes about three to four months for us to complete the house,” Cruz said. “Then we have a dedication ceremony where we give the keys to the homeowner and they move in.”