Photo by Meredith Seaver
Sophomores gain the junior privilege of whooping at Pull Out Day.
Spring semester is a great time to be an Aggie. Students are getting their rings, whooping for the first time, remembering their loved ones and getting to participate in Ring Dance. These traditions are what make Texas A&M so unique and fills both students and alumni with the Aggie Spirit.
Ring Day
Aggie Ring Day is a time honored tradition at A&M where Aggies receive their rings. On this special day, many Aggies choose someone important who means a lot in their life to put the ring on them for the first time. The Alumni Center has different festivities that go on while friends and families gather to take photos and celebrate the academic achievement. Ring Day will be held on April 12 and 13 in the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center.
Ring Dance
Ring Dance, which originated in 1936, is an Aggie’s last tradition. It is a dance put on by Class Councils, and a night where students get to flip their Aggie ring around under the giant ring replica as a symbol of upcoming graduation. Ring Dance will be held on April 28 in the Hall of Champions in Kyle Field.
Pull Out Day
This tradition is when the sophomore class gets together and gets to “pull out,” the junior whooping privilege. As the first Pull Out Day was in 2004 for the class of 2006, this is a relatively new, but popular, tradition. There is generally lots of free food and entertainment held all day before a baseball or basketball game. The event shirts purchased go toward the class gift to the university, which is voted on during their junior year. Pull Out Day will be held on March 29.
Muster is A&M’s most solemn tradition. The first one occurred on June 26, 1883 as a remembrance and roll call was taken. The first on-campus Muster was in 1924, and it has been an on-campus tradition ever since. Aggie Muster is held annually all around the world and honors all Aggies who have passed in the previous year, not just current students. The Muster, the roll call for the absent, is called; the names of those who have passed are read, and their friends and family call “here” and light a candle in their memory. This year, it will be held on April 22.
Maroon and White Game
On parent’s weekend, the A&M football team has a spring scrimmage in Kyle Field. Admission is free, and the game will also be televised. This is a fun activity families like to go to and another opportunity to go to Kyle Field not during football season. Family weekend and the Maroon and White game will be held on April 13.