It is becoming clear with each passing hour that we will soon be at war. Pope John Paul II has said such a conflict, and the devastating loss of life it could entail, would be a “defeat for humanity” — an assessment few could dispute. This is not a war we wanted, but one that has been forced upon America by Saddam Hussein.
President George W. Bush’s ultimatum Monday that Saddam leave Iraq is only the latest in a series of demands by the international community during the past 12 years that the Iraqi regime cease its biological, chemical and nuclear weapons programs, that it cease threatening its neighbors and that it cease aiding terrorists. In refusing to abide by U.N. Security Council resolutions mandating disarmament, Saddam has demonstrated that his regime cannot be a peaceful member of the community of nations. Indeed, Saddam’s weapons and his inclination to use them pose an intolerable threat to America and its allies.
Like Bush, Americans had hoped that the United Nations could resolve this crisis peacefully, or failing that, would join America in a coalition to rid the world of Saddam. However, these last few months have fixed responsibilities and laid bare intrigues pointing to an international body unwilling to fulfill its obligations. France refuses to consider military action to enforce the resolutions under any circumstances, ensuring the impotence and irrelevance of the United Nations.
The United Nations has abdicated its role, and now America and its allies must act swiftly to rid the world of Saddam’s weapons and to rid the Iraqi people of Saddam’s tyranny. War is always a tragic option, but Saddam has left us with no other choice.
The young men and women who will liberate Iraq are the very best America has to offer. God bless them, and America.