In response to a March 26 mail call:
When Texaminer and the ACLU joined forces to fight the violation of the free speech rights of candidates for student government, I thought I found a cause that both liberals and conservatives could champion. However, as Mr. Nicholas Rangel implies in his recent mail call, it is hypocritical for conservatives to enlist the assistance of a usually liberal organization in order to bring to light an issue that should transcend ideological labels.
I do not appreciate it when the SGA, which supposedly represents students, takes it upon itself to trample over the Constitution. Additionally, it has known for a year that many of the election regulations are grossly unconstitutional.
While I do not support everything that the American Civil Liberties Union does, it is the premiere organization in America today when it comes to defending First Amendment Rights. This is why we contacted the ACLU.
As a purported communications scholar, Mr. Rangel should know better than to hide behind intellectually bankrupt arguments with rhetorical labels such as “far right wing.” While Texaminer is a proudly conservative publication, we will stand up for the First Amendment and work with others who do so.
Mark McCaig
Editor, Texaminer
Class of 2005
Mr. Rangel seems to misunderstand the entire point of my actions. Political orientation means nothing to me; the issue is the fact that a student organization that is not recognized wants to say that it considers me the best candidate for SBP.
I do not necessarily endorse, agree, or even like the Texaminer’s views; what is important is that a group of Aggies said “we want you for SBP,” at which point I said “Sure!”
It is not my place to judge the opinions or stance of a group. I am applying for a position where I will likely be dealing with groups I may not agree with or may not like.
Does that make their opinions any less valid? Does that mean I should just dismiss their views and dismiss them as people?
Right wing, left wing, Republican, Democrat — none of this is important. All that I care about is how we can make Aggieland stronger.
Anyone who wants to endorse or speak up in my favor is welcome to, not by virtue of his or her views, but by virtue of being Aggies.
For your future reference, I am a political moderate; among other things, I am going into the military but am also a card-carrying member of the ACLU.
Political polarization is the greatest scourge within our country; let’s try to leave this at the gates of Aggieland and not be so angry!
Ed “El Ramos” Brown
SBP Candidate
Class of 2003