Photo by Ishika Samant
Given latest A&M enrollment numbers, announced Thursday, Sept. 22, enrolled students could fill approximately three-quarters of Kyle Field's total seating capacity.
On Thursday, Sept. 22, Texas A&M released its fall 2022 enrollment data, announcing a grand total of 74,829 enrolled students. This headcount is still considered unofficial, with official verification later this semester.
This number includes campuses in College Station, Galveston, Qatar, as well as other state educational sites, such as the School of Law in Fort Worth. These numbers come from the preliminary enrollment numbers from A&M’s Data and Research Services, which can be directly compared on their website.
For the College Station main campus and Health Science Center, student enrollment reached 71,871 total students, broken down into the following categories:
Undergraduate: 55,525
Graduate: 8,497
Doctoral: 5,030
Professional: 2,729
Post-doctorate certificate: 90
Total enrollment at the Galveston campus is 2,243 students, and 715 students at the Qatar campus. With the increase in numbers across all divisions, the university as a whole and the College Station campuses will remain among the largest universities in the nation, by enrollment.
Finalized numbers, set to be released on Nov. 15, will include further data, including demographic breakdowns and admissions details.