John Sharp Declares War on Russia (copy)
Following the start of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Texas A&M System Chancellor John Sharp is requiring all schools in the System to cut all academic ties to Russia.
According to the Texas Tribune, Sharp’s announcement is the first from any university in Texas of its kind to cut off any relationship with Russia, and was sent out in a memo to university officials. All relations include academic ventures, exchange programs and any legal agreements.
“Please note that this action is in no way an indictment of our faculty members of Russian descent nor a criticism of faculty working to improve conditions in Russia, especially for oppressed groups in that country,” Sharp said in the memo. “I believe most, if not all, of our faculty oppose the aggression of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his cronies, and will support this action.”
At this moment, there are less than 10 research agreements between A&M and Russia, according to the Texas Tribune.