Photo by Meredith Seaver
Administration Building
With vaccines becoming more widely distributed across Texas and Brazos County, classes will be back in person in the fall of 2021, according to an email announcement from Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Mark Weichold.
As a result of this announcement, class registration times for fall 2021 are being pushed back a month to allow college administrators and departments to adjust the schedule.
The fall schedule will be released to students on April 27, with pre-registration beginning April 29-May 12. Open registration will follow on May 13. Summer course registration will remain on April 1-16.
While many welcome this change, Texas A&M will continue following COVID-19 trends around the country and county and make adjustments as necessary.
“Please know that your health and well-being are important to us as we make this transition,” Weichold said. “While the fall semester is five months away, we will be monitoring conditions carefully. If changes are needed, we are prepared to adjust appropriately. We will continue to inform you as close to real-time as possible so that you are aware of the direction the university is taking.”
The university will release additional information and guidance in preparation for the fall semester in the upcoming days.
The Office of the Provost asks anyone with questions, comments or concerns to share their thoughts here.