The continued accusations that anti-war protesters do not support the troops are getting tiresome. Before attacking those who oppose the war, take a moment to listen to what the protesters are saying. The protests are against the war, not the troops. The protesters are concerned with the reasons we have gone to war in the first place and the future precedents this war could set in regards to international relations. As the daughter of a retired Air Force officer, the girlfriend of a Marine, and with friends who are now fighting in Iraq, I feel even more compelled to make my voice heard in regards to the need for peace. I feel for the families with loved ones fighting in Iraq, and I feel for the soldiers who are far from home. I do not support the decision to go to war; I do not support the international policies of our president. It is possible to both support the troops and not support the president and his decision to go war. Certainly the troops need our support — I have not heard any peace protesters say otherwise.
Gina Opdycke
Graduate Studies in English
In response to Erin Pirrung’s March 27 column: