In response to Mail Call on March 6:
Many Americans have taken the misguided and reckless opinion of the Bush Administration in which this war is a protective and moral imperative and many have not. Those who have stood up against such hubris are not, by any means, Anti-American as the Limbaughs, O’Reilleys and Matthew Maddoxes of this world constantly claim. These are the people who do not have a programmed reaction to any and everything this administration does.
These are people who have the courage to stand up against what they feel is wrong and the intellectual depth to understand the importance of global coalitions and diplomacy. It is not a protest of our troops or our military who are simply following orders, we support them in everything they do for our country, it is speaking out against the inept leadership of George W. Bush on the issue of this war.
We have seen these protests from California to New York and Barcelona to Beijing, who are we to ignore the world and just do whatever we want. We are standing up and saying we choose life over death, stability over uncertainty, diplomacy over force, we choose peace over the Bush Doctrine. We must remember we are only a super power until all the other countries have nuclear weapons which is not far away.
Keep speaking out and write your congressman. This war probably cannot be stopped but remember in the 2004 presidential election who is responsible for sending all of our young troops over there to fight a war because of a gut feeling.
Justin Hill
Class of 2004