Okay, so Ed Brown egregiously violates campus campaign laws by accepting an endorsement from the far right-wing “Texaminer,” and who does he run to for legal help? Pat Robertson’s legal shock troops at the American Center for Law and Justice? The “independently” operated Young Americans for Freedom? No. He goes to that bane of conservative existence, the American Civil Liberties Union.
Perhaps the next time those “independent” conservative voices (for those who don’t know, that alleged “journalistic” endeavor is one of many projects funded by the far right)in the “Texaminer” complain about the evils of the ultra-liberal ACLU, they will keep this in mind.
How an SBP can forward the “Texaminers”‘ conservative goals is lost on me anyway. Perhaps they would pull out the campus welcome mat, because of the way evils like diversity have increased student awareness of the world around them. Perhaps they will force Aggies to carry a 3.0 average or higher so as not to waste tax-payer dollars. In any event, while the upholding of civil liberties is always important, those who opt to do so should be wary of the potential for hypocrisy.
Nicolas Rangel Jr.
Lecturer/PhD Student
Department of Communication