Bryan Sims is rooted in the Aggie Spirit through his family connection, but it can also be said the Aggie Spirit has some roots in the family of the student body president hopeful.
“My granddad played football here for Bear Bryant. My great aunt dated E. King Gill,” Sims said. “My grandmother went to University of Texas but wears her Aggie Sweetheart Ring
The Midland, Texas resident has had the values of the Aggie Spirit instilled in him from a young age, in part because of his grandparents’ connection to the University, he said.
“One of my first experiences with the Aggie family that I remember, I had the incredible opportunity to go to a Bonfire when it was on campus. I went with my grandmother and grandfather,” Sims said. “I don’t remember what [the yell leaders and R.C. Slocum] said, but I remember what I felt. It burned the image of the Aggie Spirit in my mind forever
When it came time to decide on a university, Sims said the choice was easy.
“I always grew up wanting to be an Aggie. I think one of the first hats I wore was an Aggie one,” Sims said. “I only applied to one school. It only took one visit back here to remember why I always wanted to come here.”
As the senior industrial distribution major stands as a candidate in the race for student body president, he said his love for Aggieland is highlighted in his desire to serve his fellow classmates and Aggies.
“I have such a passion for all the people and students here,” Sims said. “Ultimately, it’s just a place. It’s the people that make the difference and make this place stand out among all universities.”
Since his first day at Aggieland, Sims said the value of selfless service has been of importance. As a member of the Christian fraternity Brothers Under Christ, Sims said he has grown as a man and in his understanding of how God wants him to serve in his life.
Friends said they can also vouch for Sims’ character.
“Bryan is a servant, devoting his heart, his time and his leadership to guide others to truth, love and faith,” said sophomore marketing major Brian Hutson, director of design in the Sims campaign. “He is humble when he could be proud, compassionate when he could be upset, and bold when he could be apathetic. Bryan loves this University, lives by our traditions and his battle cry is to serve this campus.”
Selfless service was a theme Sims’ friends highlighted.
“I see the man that Bryan Sims is and how selfless he is, and how he puts other’s needs before his own, and that’s the kind of person who I want to lead me: someone who will put my needs above his needs every day of the week,” said freshman general studies major Casey Bush, director of on-campus advertising for the Sims campaign
Sims said he wanted to use the position of student body president as a means to encourage the student body to live out the Aggie Spirit and values.
“I want to serve, and I want to inspire others to serve to the maximum,” Sims said. “The Aggie Spirit is rooted in a service lifestyle, and if that is not encouraged, fostered and fed, then eventually we’ll lose the Aggie Spirit.”
Although he was not involved in student government, Sims said a wise leader would surround himself with wise people. In his campaign and in his future role as student body president, Sims promised to focus on the people around him.
“An open-door policy is nothing if you’re not approachable and not a real person. I want to be approachable in every way. I want to be someone who people feel they can actually come talk to,” Sims said. “The student body president is not about the person; it’s about the people.”
Sims has goals of one day earning his master’s degree of business administration and a law degree. Until that day, Sims said he will focus on the goal of using his work to inspire greatness in his fellow Aggies.
“If at the end of the day, no one remembers me, I want people to remember one thing,” said Sims. “There was an Aggie who stood with many, who stood for something different, who stood for service, who, in an effort to serve others, forgot his selfish desires and motivation and could only think of the Aggies standing next to him.”