Motorists may be the fastest commuters on the road, but they sometimes forget that they share it with other commuters, said researchers from the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI).
The City of College Station, Texas Transportation Services, Texas A&M and TTI worked together on an assessment of bike riders’ experiences in transit to and from campus by conducting a survey on Nov. 16.
Survey volunteers stood near bike racks around campus and documented more than 200 riders as they chained up their bikes. Students were questioned about their biking activities, how many times they rode their bike a day and when and where they rode them.
“I ride my bike everywhere and am constantly wondering when they are going to improve the conditions,” said Luis Ortega, a senior geophysics major. “I do come in contact with many aggressive drivers, and it can be scary. I’m glad (TTI) is concerned about this.”
The University is working to resolve cycling issues, such as busy intersections, narrow bike lanes and useful signs, said Sgt. Allan Baron, a University Police Department officer.
“Also, a biking task force is being put
together to keep track of bikers, registration, etc,” Baron said.
The idea for the survey was based on a survey completed 30 years ago by the League of Women Voters at a time when Texas A&M had less than 25,000 students. In that study, bicyclists were only counted, while the current study takes a more in-depth look at bicycling behavior.
Debbie Spillane, a TTI co-investigator said that phase two of the survey will include counting and will be done in the spring. There has been no count since that time and College Station has grown significantly, she said.
Researchers said they hope the study informs them on how the conditions of cyclists can be improved.
The results of the study are unknown right now, but will be available by next summer.