In response to a March 26 front page story:
Jane Conoley opposes the diversity she says she encourages by demanding that others conform to her views. A cherished member of my extended family is homosexual, and although I bitterly disagree with his lifestyle, I still love him very much and would hate to see him harmed.
Consensus on diversity is an oxymoron. Perhaps we should compromise and accept that gays are human and should be treated like everyone else, not singled out for persecution or celebration. There is little I can do to change the decisions of gays whether I agree with them or not, so why should I, or anyone in the College of Education, for that matter, have to say, “Yes, I believe homosexuality is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated.” Such a demand is nothing short of hubris on the part of Jane Conoley and those who support her.
Lars A. Doucet
Class of 2006