Jonathan Sheen — THE BATTALION
Firefighters, police officers and students will climb seven stories more than 15 times to represent the 110 stories climbed by firefighters who responded to the 9/11 attacks.
Across Bryan-College Station, police officers, firefighters and students are commemorating those who died on Sept. 11 by attending the Fourth Annual Stair Climb, held by the Bryan Fire Department.
The event will open at 7:45 a.m. in the Varisco Building with a prayer before Bryan firefighters climb seven stories more than 15 times to represent the 110 stories climbed by the firefighters on Sept. 11, 2001, in the World Trade Center.
Jordan Gallagher, Bryan Fire Department Battalion Chief, said in a press release that the climb is a great way for the firefighters to show their support to those who died rushing into the building and recognize their sacrifice.
While the event occurs annually, Brittany Ochoa, English freshman and daughter of an active firefighter, has a more personal connection to American servicemen.
“Having a firefighter as a father often involves a certain degree of fear, but it is a fear that cannot compare to the sense of pride I feel towards all the men and women who serve, not only on 9/11 but every day,” Ochoa said. “They are selfless heroes who deserve gratitude and respect for their actions a thousand times over.”
Police officers of the College Station Police Department are showing their respect for the fallen by participating in a variety of services and events throughout the community.
Lt. Charles Fleeger, CSPD public information officer, said the stair climb is a realistic representation of what the 9/11 firefighters were trained to do.
“It is a time to reflect and honor what they did and what they stood for,” Fleeger said. “We’ve had line-of-duty deaths here locally over the last couple years, so it is a stark reminder that it can happen here and that it impacts everybody that wears a uniform — whether it’s police or fire.”
While memorializing Sept. 11, both police and fire departments seek to show the need to look past uniform differences and come together as one community in remembrance.
Courteney Youngs, freshman engineering major, said these representations are not only a perfect way to support the country, but also a perfect representation of the spirit of Aggieland.
“The fact that people refuse to forget those we lost and continue to honor their memory says a lot about our community and our school,” Youngs said.