To the Battalion Editorial Board: What fantasy world do you live in, where homicidal maniacs actually follow the law? You say that students should be as safe outside on campus as inside a building: They already are. Nothing stopped Tooley from entering the library with his loaded weapon, and short of posting a SWAT team at the entrance, nothing will ever stop similar behavior. I doubt anyone inside felt very safe. Why would such a person care about a law that disallows loaded weapons outdoors when they already completely disregard the law regarding the same action indoors? Do you think such a law is enforceable? Imagine the trouble and expense necessary in setting up police checkpoints executing full vehicular and personal searches upon anyone wishing to go on campus. Short of such draconian measures, all the law does is disarm the law-abiding citizens who pose no threat whatsoever. Violence cannot always be prevented by the authorities; they cannot be everywhere at once. They cannot guarantee of your personal protection. As they say, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.”