In response to Tessa Howington & Ron Layer’s Jan. 20 mail call:
I am disgusted at the way some people have reacted to the removal of the legacy admissions policy. Some said that the University has lost its “uniqueness” and that it “makes it harder for legacy students to get admitted.”
Maybe you guys have to actually read what its removal is. It doesn’t make it harder for legacies to get in, it just gives every applicant to Texas A&M an equal chance, do you get it? Don’t try to berate President Gates because of his decision, I think it was fair, and I don’t believe that legacies should just be too overconfident that they will be admitted to our school over someone who has probably worked harder.
Mr. Layer, if you think our school’s “uniqueness” lies in the legacy admissions policy, then you don’t really think Texas A&M is that unique if it’s based solely on that. Come on, if an applicant deserves to be at Texas A&M, then they will get in, and I believe our school can do a great job in the coming years without this policy.
For anyone who is angry their child might not get into A&M without these four points, then honestly, they deserve to go somewhere else. If you truly believe in the Aggie Spirit, then the removal of the policy should not be something that would bother you. There is no reason for the “colorful language” that Ms. Howington threatens to use, it shows no class and that is truly not the Aggie Spirit. Perhaps, she can direct her “colorful language” at me because I am very willing to discuss this issue with her.
Onyinyechi Okoro Class of 2000