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The mosquito trap containing the infected mosquito was located in the 77802 zip code in Bryan.
Testing of a mosquito sample shows the arrival of West Nile Virus in Brazos County.
The Brazos County Health District Mosquito Surveillance Unit has announced that Brazos County is considered positive for West Nile Virus (WNV) after confirming positive mosquito samples, according to a press release from Aug. 25. The Brazos County Health District officials have contacted the City of Bryan, City of College Station and Texas A&M University.
Environmental Health and Vector Specialist for the Brazos County Health District Zac Rodriguez said to use preventative measures called the 4 D’s and to continue following local and state guidelines for the coronavirus.
“Right now, even though Brazos County is still concentrating on how to live safely with COVID-19, we cannot forget about West Nile Virus. As you continue to enjoy the outdoors, remember the 4 D’s,” Rodriguez said.
The 4 D method indicates Deet All Day, Every Day; Dress; Drain and All Day long. This method recommends residents to use EPA registered repellents; wear long, loose, light-colored clothing; avoid standing water and limit time outdoors.
An infection can cause a variety of symptoms, but not everyone will experience them, according to the press release.
“West Nile Virus is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes,” the press release read. “Most people exposed to the virus do not get sick, but about 20% develop symptoms like headache, fever, body aches, joint pains, nausea, and fatigue. In a very small portion, less than one percent, the virus affects the nervous system, leading to a more serious illness that can cause neck stiffness, disorientations, tremors, convulsions, paralysis, and even death.”
For more information, visit www.brazoshealth.org.