I would first like to thank Ms. Forson for her wise remark that, “the freedom to dissent is one of the most fundamental of American rights.”
Here is a pragmatic lesson in exercising dissent: Ms. Forson, as have many administration officials, stated as a presumption, both implicitly and explicitly, American soldiers are fighting in Iraq for our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This premise is fundamentally flawed! No link has ever been shown between our safety, thus our basic rights and the dilapidated regime of Saddam Hussein.
President Bush, use your “mandate” to fix this mess you have created, so we can get our beloved young men and women home.
As a final note, party line division doesn’t define patriotism, or lack thereof. Moreover, neither party has a monopoly on support for our troops, which is universal amongst Americans today. We simply hold differing opinions on what constitutes a mission meriting our soldiers’ precious lives.