I have wanted to go Texas A&M since as long as I can remember. I grew up around it. I went to so many A&M football games and have been around so many different Aggies, including my father, since I was very small. When college came around, I knew I had to go to A&M. Maybe it was because the desire to go to A&M was instilled in me at a young age. Maybe it was because I wanted to march with the Aggie Band on Kyle Field so badly that when the first time I did, it felt so unreal. Maybe I wanted my Aggie Ring. But as I stood with thousands of fellow Aggies, some my best friends and some I didn’t even know, at the Memorial at 2:42 yesterday morning, I realized why I came here.
I came here to be a part of something much greater than myself, and I was reminded how strong the Aggie Spirit really is. I have encountered so many people, whether it be my buddies, my friends or strangers, who have in some way impacted me for the rest of my life. Nov. 18, 1999 was a tragedy, but it was also the finest hour of the Aggie Spirit, and I am forever grateful to know that I am a part of that.