Aggies Can seeks donations at Kyle Field Saturday
The second annual Aggies Can food drive will be held Saturday at the A&M-Baylor football game.
Sponsored by the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and Aggie Athletes Involved, members will begin collecting non-perishable food items two hours prior to game kickoff at nine drop-off stations around Kyle Field.
Donations will also be accepted at the Albertson’s and H.E.B. grocery stores in College Station, and the Sears at Post Oak Mall through Sunday.
All items will be donated to the Brazos Valley Food Bank.
Organizers hope to top last year’s total collection of 10,000 cans.
Texas A&M leaders announce a new fundraising drive
Texas A&M leaders publicly announced plans for a new capital funds campaign at the 125th anniversary gala Thursday night.
Dubbed “One Spirit, One Vision,” the program will aim to provide financial assistance to raise the University’s level of prominence and quality.
Jon Hagler, Class of 1958, said the University has financial commitments from several alumni.
“This is the first vital step toward creating momentum for this decade,” Hagler said.