The masses will soon flock to Northgate — and not just for cheap beer.
This weekend, the Northgate Music Festival brings a flood of music set to debut on 12 different stages.
Clayton Sheppard, a sophomore accounting major, said he attended last year’s festival and will be back for more this year.
“I loved how you were able to jump from club to club and hear a different band everywhere you went,” he said. “I think the festival brought College Station a refreshing touch of Austin, but with our good Ag flavor keeping things in line, of course. Twenty bucks for close to 100 bands is a deal, for sure, and the cause is definitely a worthy thing.”
This year, charities will receive donations from the festival proceeds. These charities include CARPOOL, the Children’s Museum of Bryan-College Station and Scotty’s House, a child advocacy center that intervenes on the behalf of abused children.
Chris Collins, a director of CARPOOL and a senior chemical engineering major, said his organization will have information tables set up and will offer safe rides at the festival.
“It’s great that an organization such as the Northgate Music Festival recognizes CARPOOL as an integral part of this community,” he said. “We are grateful for their donation and support and will be at the festival in full force.”
Like the festival’s charities, the entertainment lineup — featuring everything from bluegrass to rave — is diverse.
JC Odom, Northgate Music Festival’s event coordinator, said he expects more than 10,000 patrons.
“With over 175 musical acts, the festival offers unparalleled opportunity for bands, sponsors, and festival attendees to experience a weekend unique to College Station,” he said.
In addition to such headliners as The Killer Bees, Jackopierce and Fastball, audiences can expect talent from other local artists.
Aaron Holt, who describes his music as “folky rock,” said he is thrilled at the opportunity to play for the first time at the Northgate Music Festival.
” We are almost finished with our new CD, and this will be one of our first shows with all original material,” he said. “We’ve heard that College Station natives are great, so we are ready to have fun.”
For more information about ticket prices, parking information and band venues, log onto