Two weddings held Tuesday might have looked unfamiliar to onlookers and not just because they were held on Simpson Drill Field.
The Arab Student Association and the India Association at A&M invited students to observe and even participate in traditional dances and customs as part of International Week, organized by International Student Association, ISA.
[International Student Association is] an umbrella organization for all international student organizations, said Brijesh Angira, president of the association. We invited all of them to participate in I-Week.
Some students said they attended to learn and were surprised when they were incorporated into the proceedings.
I wanted to see how different cultures weddings differed from American weddings, said Natalie Rawle, sophomore computer science major. It was very interactive and I wasnt expecting that.
Camila Garzon, sophomore international studies major, participated in some of the dances during the event.
We all had busy schedules and tests to work around, but we were patient with each other and got it done, Garzon said. I think its good for students to learn about how people celebrate in other cultures.
The rest of I-Week will include events such as a culture-specific talent show, a fashion show of cultures traditional dress, and input from representatives of various international organizations.