Throughout the article, Robinson is accused of not being able to preach Christianity properly because he is not leading by both explanation and example. This is a fundamental flaw in which the article is based. The assumption that there is only one valid interpretation of the Bible is blatantly ignorant. The Christian religion is splintered into hundreds of different denominations, all taking a look at the Bible from a different angle.
The article goes on to condemn him for living with another man for 13 years out of wedlock. If a pillar of the Christian faith is helping save others, then it is your duty to support gay marriages. That way, they will be able to live with their significant other, without the sin of not being married.
Furthermore, a sentence fragment from the Old Testament is used , I only assume, in an attempt to justify the intolerance of homosexuals.
Unfortunately, the Bible has been historically misinterpreted to justify evil discriminatory actions, and I see no difference in this case.
I applaud the Episcopal Church for their dedication to what is right and just.