Photo By: Duncan Rankin
As a gesture of appreciation for the $20,000 donation to A&M’s Career Closet, representatives from the Student Government Association presented System Chancellor John Sharp and the Chancellor’s Century Council with a framed resolution Friday.
The group gathered at the Reed House, the residence of A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp, Friday to present the resolution.
Sharp said the idea for a Career Closet resonated with the Century Council immediately.
“They had, what I thought, was a brilliant idea, and what Kamal thought was a brilliant idea, and what so many other people in this room thought was a brilliant idea and that is, they were looking for money to buy the first round of suits for these students to use,” Sharp said. “So the Century Council … put $70,000 into it — $20,000 for Texas A&M and $5,000 for each one of the other schools.”
Jack Matz, chairman-elect of the Chancellor’s Century Council, said nothing is more important to alumni than helping students coming out of the A&M System put their best foot forward — and that the career closet will help them do that.
“Bottom line is this, when Chancellor Sharp came up and told us about this — there is nothing more important to alums of all the universities in the system, but to want our kids coming out of those schools to represent us with their best foot forward,” Matz said. “What better way to do that than to make sure you have something to wear when you get your first job?”
Matz thanked the members of student government for their work on the project thus far.
“We’re all about working hard, and coming out and being successful,” Matz said. “On behalf of the Chancellor’s Century Council, we really appreciate it and we hope this is the start of something really big.”