Valerie Gunchick
TAMU Career Closet Presentation at SGA
In a meeting that hosted Republican primary candidate for Texas House District 14 Jess Fields, Student Senate discussed a number of topics, ranging from Cain Hall construction to a potential Career Center partnership Wednesday.
Through the Career Center partnership, professional attire would be made available to students with financial needs.
“The idea behind a Career Closet is to have a place on campus where students can go to rent out suits or professional attire for job interviews, career fairs, etc.,” said Aaron Mitchell, speaker of the Student Senate.
During the meeting student senators Joseph Hood and Aubrey Dean also took to the floor to voice concerns about the relocation of certain student services once Cain Hall is torn down to make way for an on-campus hotel and conference center. Both Hood and Dean expressed dismay about the administration’s proposal to erect temporary housing for these student services on West Campus. They argued the move is too far from the bulk of the on-campus student population.
“We’ve been told that, for lack of a better term, it’s a done deal,” Hood said. “The issue is not that they’re building a hotel, it’s the fact that they’re displacing services that are very important for students at Texas A&M.”
Aubrey Dean said it was disconcerting to think students might not know where to go for counseling in particular, because Cain Hall has always housed this and other student services.
“Something specifically is counseling services. I know at Fish Camp this last year they specifically said to go to Cain Hall if you need counseling services,” Dean said. “The last thing that we want is for freshman or people on campus to go to Cain Hall to try to find these services and realize that there’s not even a building there anymore.”
Student Senate also confirmed several executive cabinet positions.