Recently, The Battalion has printed a number of letters to the editor for and against the current war in Iraq. Both sides have expressed respect and concern for our troops overseas. However, what’s the best way to show support for our troops? In the past it was possible to send care packages and letters addressed to “Any Service Member.” However the world has changed, and amid security concerns the Department of Defense and the United Service Organizations ask that such anonymous packages not be sent. Instead it is possible to send an e-mail to the men and women of the military via the USO and the Department of Defense using and, respectively. For other ways to donate time and/or money to support out troops, go to ews/supporttroops.asp.
Regardless of your feelings for the political powers that be, our troops abroad need to know that they haven’t been forgotten by the American people. It takes less than five minutes to send a message of support, even if it only says “please come home quickly and safely.” Those five minutes of your time can make the day of a lonely pfc stationed in unfamiliar territory so many thousands of miles from home.
Kelly Soltysiak
Graduate Student