Campus Sustainability Day will be held in Rudder Plaza from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m Wednesday.
Erin Nickle, office associate in the College of Architecture and member of the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, said the purpose of Sustainability Day is to encourage environmental awareness. Each booth in Rudder Plaza is run by different organizations, such as the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and several student-run organizations.
“The main goal of Sustainability Day is to spread the word about how not to be so wasteful,” Nickle said. “It gives examples of how to live a more ‘green’ lifestyle and reduce our carbon footprint. For example, the landscape and urban planning department gives landscaping ideas on how to give back to the Earth.”
This year, Sustainability Day will include an event that will tie together environmental justice and sustainability with an interactive discussion panel by guest speaker Derrick Evans, an environmental justice activist.
Nickle said many students are unaware of environmental justice, an issue she hopes Evans can help bring light to.
“A lot of people don’t know what environmental justice is, let alone how it affects us every day, because they don’t ever deal with it,” Nickle said. “A lot of them think it has to do with police, and that’s not it at all. This discussion panel will highlight what it is, and will be kind of our way of showing them up front how it affects them.”
The booths will be in Rudder Plaza on Wednesday. Evans will speak at a discussion panel held at noon Thursday in MSC 2406.