Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and communism, war has never solved anything. I saw the demonstration on Thursday. The protesters could at least come up with better slogans for the signs. “No Blood for Oil”? How cliched! If anyone has a motive for oil, the French, Germans and Russians all have billion dollar oil contracts yet to be filled. While the rest of the world was trading “food for oil,” France, Germans and Russia all decided to go the extra step and trade “arms for oil.”
Also, the Rev. Danita Noland stated, “The actions and words of President Bush have caused this country to be at odds with most of the world, and we hold our government accountable and responsible for the lives of each and every Iraqi citizen.” How about the French, Germans and Russians have alienated themselves from the rest of the world and the 45+ nations (including many Arab nations) that have joined the coalition aimed to disarm Saddam Hussein and liberate the Iraqi people.
God Bless America and our Troops!
Grayson B. Anderson
Class of 1997
In response to Michael Ward’s March 21 column: