Photo by Meredith Seaver
Ask Lexie
Dear Lexi: Recently I’ve found it hard to stay motivated. At the moment, things feel out of place, and lately when I’m faced with tasks that I would normally knocked out of the park, I get scared. I’m having trouble finding motivation for basic things like going to class and studying. How should I overcome this current rut?
I honestly suggest making an appointment with Student Counseling Service. Anyone who is feeling these things should take care of their mental health as a number one priority and talk to a professional. I also want to encourage you. You’re at Texas A&M, the best university to ever exist! I don’t know any other details about you, but you should be proud of yourself for taking the initiative to come to college and better yourself.
Feeling unmotivated is normal, and we all have times where we feel tired or nervous about the future. But since this is something really persisting, I think talking to a counselor could really help. There’s no shame in it, and I’ll prove it by saying it in the paper: I’ve gone, and it was so helpful!
I sincerely hope you find the motivation to do this, and I wish you the best in school and in life!
Love, Lexi.
I have a long distance crush. Do you think it’s possible to make something like that work either now or in the future?
Long distance is THE WORST. Been there, done that, not going back. It really depends on how much this person means to you and how well you know them. How often would you realistically see each other? I don’t mean to come off as harsh, but if you’ve never dealt with distance before, it’s hard to know how much of a burden it really and truly is. If it’s just a crush, I say wait it out and if it’s meant to be in the future, you can make it happen after college. In fact, I encourage trying in the future if you end up living near one another. Otherwise, enjoy your years at A&M instead of yearning for something unattainable.
I hope you soon find love and happiness with the guy/girl you belong with!
Love, Lexi.
I’m considering joining a fraternity next year, but I’m not sure if there are enough benefits to justify the cost. Is there any advice you can give me to help me decide?
My personal advice is to go through rush and see how you like it. If you don’t like it, just drop before you either get initiated or pay dues. It sounds kind of shady, but there’s not a way to know until you try. I personally love being involved in Greek life and think it is a very fun and worthwhile organization. There are definitely plenty of networking opportunities that can help you in any career field, and it is something that you identify with for the rest of your life unlike a basic men’s org. You should do some research about exact costs, what kind of guys are in each frat, which one you would want to join and go from there!
Good luck! I hope you have a wonderful experience and find a welcoming brotherhood!
Love, Lexi
Lexi, I don’t know what to do about summer internships. I haven’t heard back from any of the ones I applied to and I have to let my current boss know soon if I’ll be leaving over the summer. I really don’t want to waste my break, so what’s the best thing I can do to make sure I make the most of my summer?
Rough, tough, real stuff… Hopefully your boss is understanding and you can let them know your situation. You could also send a follow-up email to the internship and let them know you need an answer to make arrangements with your current job. If you’re worried about wasting your summer and you don’t get the internship, you can work or take classes. They don’t have to be boring community college summer classes either. You can learn graphic design, photoshop or other valuable job skills! You can spend the summer gaining important, technical hard skills to add to your resume.
Research places that offer these things and go from there! I hope you get your dream internship!
Love, Lexi.