Luniqua Louis
We have made it to the beginning of the end, 2025 graduates.
Spring semester has arrived, which means we are five months away from departing Texas A&M forever. Our four years will be summed up in a one-hour ceremony. Hundreds of hours spent studying will result in a neatly-rolled diploma. While most college experiences are coming to an end, the millions of tiny moments spent laughing, crying and loving with your fellow Aggies will continue on into billions and trillions of big moments.
Just because our time as students may be coming to an end doesn’t mean our lives as alumni are going to be any less fulfilling and joyous. Graduation doesn’t mean goodbye, and it most definitely doesn’t have to be scary.
On the first day of senior year, I was filled with immense dread — about my future, about leaving college and saying goodbye to my friends. It felt like I was facing a firing squad called adulthood.
In all of my dramatics, I imagined terrifying scenarios where the world exploded after walking the graduation stage and slipped slowly into oblivion. So if you’re haunted by your post-grad worries and shaken by the uncertainty awaiting you this May, don’t fret. I’ve been there.
You might have noticed that I am using past tense words when describing my thoughts about graduation: “been,” “imagined,” “haunted” and “shaken.”
“Maddie, are you actually telling us that you are no longer fearful for your future — but actually excited?”
Yes. Yes I am.
For those who are still imagining world-exploding scenarios, I’m going to tell you how I changed my perspective from “I’m going to throw up” to “I can’t wait to grow up.” We have five months left to change our perspectives and prepare ourselves for the excitement our post-grad lives will bring us. So, lock in.
The first step — and this one may be difficult for some — is to remind yourself that College Station is not the end-all be-all. The world is so much bigger than college and even more expansive than Texas. Yes, I promise, you will not fall off the edge of the world if you step foot outside of your comfort zone.
Let’s take a trip to Las Vegas real quick.
Gambling. For some, sitting at the penny slots is all they feel comfortable doing. Betting on an algorithm, hoping to see triple sevens. For others, they are more comfortable betting on their poker face and praying for pocket aces. And for another group, Vegas is too scary in general so they opted to stay at home where they are safe, sound and comfortable. No risk — and no reward.
Now, I’m not telling you to go to Vegas and blow all your graduation money. What I am telling you is to take a risk and bet on your own abilities. Do you think you can spin the roulette wheel and land on the number that gets you the job? Do you think you have the winning hand and spirit to achieve success? Can you roll those dice and know that even if they come up snake eyes, you can still find a way to win? Can you bluff until the pot is yours?
I hope by now, this far into your degree and life, that you said yes to all of those questions. Because the greatest lesson I learned is the most important risk I can ever take is on myself. With this big risk, this leap of faith that when I jump I’ll fly, my rewards will be endless.
Now that we have established what there is to gain from gambling on yourself, the second step is to remember that you will have to be active in your life and accept that things will change. But change doesn’t mean bad.
I mentioned before, while visiting our metaphorical casino, that you can’t win without exiting your comfort zone. So, nothing about this transition is going to be easy — or comfortable. You can no longer be passive in your life. Turn cruise control off and grab the wheel.
That feeling in your stomach that’s screaming “graduation is the end” is not pleasant, I understand. But have you ever felt that exact gut feeling when riding a rollercoaster, kissing someone you like for the first time or realizing you won the poker hand? That’s because fear and excitement feel the exact same.
This is where you start reprogramming your brain. Think “I’m not scared, maybe I’m just excited.” However, not only will you have to be active in shifting your thought processes, but also in creating the future you want.
What I mean is, friends don’t fall out of trees in the real world — and neither do opportunities. You’ll have to go out of your way to do the things college did for you.
You’ll have to work harder to maintain your college friendships and relationships. You’ll have to work harder to keep up at your job. You’ll have to face discomfort and uncertainty. You will have to rely on yourself. But how exciting is that? You get to choose the direction of your life and the relationships you fill it with.
In summation, I have changed.I realized there is so much more waiting for me after I cross the graduation stage than anything College Station has to offer now. Not because College Station is bad, but because College Station is comfortable. I’ve managed to buy the trip to Vegas, spin the slots and now I have everything I need to make my way over to the high-roller tables. A&M has done everything it could to prepare me to bet it all on myself. Are you going to come join me?
Graduation doesn’t have to be scary, and all the changes don’t have to be bad. This is just the beginning of your rewarding life as an Aggie alum. Be brave and bet it all on yourself, become active in your thoughts and life and face that uncertainty with your pocket aces or the best poker face you can muster. I can guarantee post-grad life will turn out a royal flush.
Maddie McMurrough is an agricultural communications and journalism senior and opinion columnist for The Battalion.