Kyle Heise
Allied health junior Yvonne Kim hugs her brother after receiving her Aggie Ring during the spring Ring Day at the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center on Thursday, April 11, 2024. (Kyle Heise/The Battalion)
I’ll admit it: We’ve gotten a bit bratty.
Not in an iconic Charli XCX kind of way, but in a “jeez, get over yourself” kind of way. Since I am on a journey of self-growth, I’m taking my dear readers along with me, kicking and screaming. This week’s topic of discussion is — everyone is a brat sometimes, and we need to be more grateful for what we have.
Check-in point: If you are turning your nose up to this notion, saying, “No way, not me,” — I hate to tell you this, but that’s very bratty of you.
So, what are we going to do to combat our ingratitude and bratty behaviors?
Recently I’ve been adding “it’s a privilege to” before my every complaint and dissatisfied comment because I’ve taken a step outside of myself and seen just how privileged I actually am alongside just how much worse things could actually be.
It is a privilege to be woken up by my cat at 3 a.m.
My cat is my life. Such small creatures can bring incalculable comfort and joy to our lives. But as much as we love them, they can be extremely difficult at times. Like when it’s cold out and your dog doesn’t want to come inside, even when you have developed early stages of frostbite. Or like when your cat knocks a family heirloom off the shelf, just to hear it shatter. Or when your dog tears up one of your favorite shoes, leaving you an incomplete set.
My cat has developed a habit of pawing my face in the middle of the night to make sure I don’t forget she is there. It irritates me beyond belief, especially when I have an early morning the next day.
I saw a video from Los Angeles a few days ago. It was a man crying about losing his dog to the fires. His house had burned down, and he was forced to leave his dog behind.
I was hysterically crying while watching this video because I felt silly. I complained about my cat while there were people losing their pets, their source of unconditional love, to a horrible fire. How bratty. I hugged my pain-in-the-butt cat and said, “It is an absolute privilege to be woken up by you.”
It is a privilege to not want to clean my house
I cannot count the number of times I have complained about a messy house. I’ve huffed and puffed as I vacuumed. I’ve been angry that I had to constantly wash dishes, fold clothes, sweep floors and wipe counters. It is a universal human experience to complain about cleaning.
I read an article about North Carolina today. It detailed how the citizens of North Carolina are still suffering from the property damages brought by Hurricane Helene. During the brief winter storm we had here in College Station, when we were complaining about how cold it was or how we have to walk to class in 35-degree weather, there were people freezing in North Carolina because they were still sorting through the wreckage of their lost homes.
They are homeless months after the fact, and we have the audacity to complain about mopping?
Disasters and war are sweeping our world. Gaza, North Carolina, Los Angeles and Ukraine, all in ruin. Millions of people without a home. Not to mention the thousands of homeless Americans sleeping on the streets or in their cars. Veterans, children and families. All men and women, young and old without this basic necessity.
Say it with me: “It is a privilege to not want to clean my house.” Because at the end of the day, I still have a house that needs cleaning. I still have pillows to be fluffed, blinds to be dusted and a bed to be made. Many don’t have the same privilege, so I’m going to be present and grateful for all of the chores I don’t want to do.
It is a privilege to not want to go to class or work
I — and many others I know — complain about going to class. I begrudgingly hop in my car, eat my McDonald’s breakfast that I bought with my money and drive to a college course all while not even realizing how lucky I am to have a car, control over my finances and the opportunity to go to college.
There are girls just like me, across the world. Girls who love their cats, who love to sing, write and learn. The difference is I get to enjoy all of those things freely. Proudly. The tasks that I may consider a chore in America — like going to class — are ones that someone else, across the sea, longs to do.
There are also people, here in our own country, who can’t afford to go to college, own a car or buy McDonald’s breakfast. We don’t have to cross an ocean to see how truly blessed we are and how much harder life can be.
It is a privilege to ‘fill-in-the-blank’
I am grateful for my privilege to complain. You should be, too. Reminding yourself of all of your privileges, no matter how insignificant they seem, is important. We take so much for granted, and we won’t appreciate it until we lose it. Let’s not wait until it’s gone to be grateful.
The world is cruel, unrelenting and cold. Why not make it a little warmer for ourselves and our neighbors by putting gratitude in our attitude? Society needs less brats, and more appreciation.
I am going to use my newfound gratitude to spread kindness. My hope is to inspire you to be grateful, and for you to inspire others. The world is bigger than you and me, and we have to be kind and remember that life can be worse and so much worse for some. I will help someone today, and that person will help two more tomorrow and that three word phrase could result in immense kindness across the world.
So, next time you feel like complaining about your kid getting placed in Moser instead of Hullabaloo, or you really don’t want to go to class, or you only have Netflix and not Paramount+, do me a favor and try to put a grateful and positive spin on it.
It has been a privilege.
Maddie McMurrough is an agricultural communications and journalism senior and opinion columnist for The Battalion.