Image Courtesy: Andrew Butko
Tensions between Ukraine and Russia have reached new levels and the effects are even being felt in College Station.
As you might have heard, the prospect of war looms large and ominously on the horizon. There has been continuing Russian military buildup on the border of Ukraine and the threat of invasion seems to get ever more likely as time goes on. How we should proceed as a nation is rightly being discussed as Russia continues to station troops around the Ukrainian border. One thing is clear — Russia will not be able to invade Ukraine with impunity. Any such action will be met with harsh consequences.
It does the Joe Biden administration credit that they are standing strong against Russian aggression. As Ronald Reagan once said,“We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.” A strong stand now would give a clear signal to those around the world that America means business and will not stand for this kind of behavior. After we concluded an almost 20-year war by leaving Afghanistan to the Taliban — the same group we invaded Afghanistan to fight — we need to show the world that the U.S. will still defend its allies. Our failure in Afghanistan is absolutely heartbreaking, especially considering those Afghans who helped us are now being left behind. As a nation, we need to take this opportunity to remind the world that we are willing to stand by our allies and not abandon them in their time of need. What has been done, is done. What we need to do now is learn from our mistakes.
We once abandoned Eastern Europe to the domination of the Soviet Union after WWII concluded. Those countries, who already suffered Nazi occupation, now had to live under yet another totalitarian regime that had no scruples when it came to violence and political oppression. Let’s not make the same mistake twice. The peoples of Eastern Europe have had enough. They don’t need, and in many cases want, any more Russian tutelage. For those who still want their national independence, we ought not let them down.
If we don’t want to see a Russian takeover of Ukraine, somebody has to stand up to Russian aggression. Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has been the main superpower in the Western World. In the post-war era, the U.S. was seen as the greatest adversary to the communist menace and a bastion of democracy. It is a great responsibility we were given, and it is one we must live up to. The Biden administration has done well to coordinate with our allies in formulating a response to the current situation. We are expected to provide leadership to the Western World, and the administration has fulfilled that call.
What should we do? Should we go to war?
The answer: Not if we can help it.
War is truly a terrible thing. It inflicts suffering on all who it touches and can bring devastation to entire nations. No war should be started without profound and prudent thought. No war should be waged between nations or people if other solutions can be found. If a diplomatic solution for the Ukrainian situation can be found, it ought to be pursued. Conditioned, of course, on its agreeability to all parties involved. That should be, and is, our first course of action.
We need to ensure the Russians know that we are not to be pushed around. We have already threatened Russia with severe economic repercussions should they continue on their current course of action.
We have given the Russians a choice. If they choose diplomacy, we can talk. If they invade Ukraine, they will be punished economically by both the U.S. and the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The Russians need to understand that we will not tolerate any further aggression. If that means an increase of tensions, so be it. If we give in and submit to fear, we tell the world that America is losing its strength, its resolve. If we stand strong, we will tell the world that America has not given up, and that we will still defend our allies despite adversity. We ought to prove we are indeed the home of the brave and we will not give in to fear.
Hopefully some peaceful solution can be found. Regardless of how the coming days, weeks or even months turn out, it is important not to lose our resolve. Again, war is the least desirable outcome of events, but we as a nation must not bow down in our stand to protect our allies and other interests. It will do us no good to weaken and cave now. Now is a time to show the world America is still strong and courageous. We must rise to the challenge and continue to be the leader of the free world.
Ty Pargmann is a history sophomore and opinion writer for The Battalion.