I bear no hatred for the LGBT community, but I’ve got a bitter taste on my tongue when it comes to the Kardashian/Jenner clan.
This group of people is famous for being famous — for exploiting sex, relationships, marriage and appearances.
Caitlyn Jenner is not a hero.
The transgender men and women who don’t live in Hollywood glamour are the true heroes. Many of them don’t have the funds for corrective surgery, or in Caitlyn’s case, facial-feminization surgery, and that forces them to face the entirety of their lives in dissonance. The hurdles they face are much greater when it comes to their bodies.
They also don’t have the outpouring support of the media like Caitlyn has. The everyday transgender doesn’t appear on the cover of Vanity Fair with a 22-page spread — and if Caitlyn wasn’t famous for being famous, no one would care about the transformation.
Based on Jenner’s history, it’s not insane to conclude that this is a ploy for money and media attention. And if that’s the truth, then a former man now has lady parts because of greed — and that’s disheartening. The 22-page spread seems excessive, and then there’s the fact that Caitlyn is scantily clad in the photos. If she isn’t in this for the attention, why wouldn’t she wear something less revealing?
Some could say it’s brave for someone to make such a public change at that age, but I say it’s confusing, especially for her children.
How does a 65 year old man wake up one day and decide that after three marriages and several kids, he wants to become a woman?
To call someone “Dad” your whole life and then to suddenly start calling that person “Mom” is crazy. It’s selfish of Caitlyn to change the family dynamic in this way, especially since she still has teenage daughters depending on her. Why would Caitlyn wait so long to make this life altering decision? It isn’t fair that kids are involved. One has to wonder how they are dealing with their new “Mommy.”
If people really want to be supportive of the LGBT community, they ought to support people with greater battles than Caitlyn Jenner. The everyday men and women who live in the face of discrimination — who don’t have fame placing them on a pedestal — are the true heroes.