Photo by Paul Burke
Junior Addie McCain tries to get past a defender as she makes her way to the goal.
As the season is set to begin in just a few weeks, Texas A&M soccer midfielder Addie McCain is full of anticipation of what is to come in her senior season.
The SEC announced last week the newly established start dates and formats for fall athletics seasons. The Aggies will face their first opponent the weekend of Sept. 18 and will play an eight-match, conference-only regular season.
“I think for this season, what I’m most excited for is to actually be playing some games,” McCain said. “There has been a lot of uncertainty for the longest time, so just knowing that we’re going to have the chance to get out there and play and do all the stuff we’ve been working on is most exciting.”
Although the season is formatted differently than ever before and the circumstances are less than ideal, McCain said the team has adjusted well to the new normal.
“At the beginning, when we all got back and started practicing we had to wear masks, which was not fun, and it was something we had to get used to,” McCain said. “We started getting tested every week, which was uncomfortable and very different, but we’re used to it now.”
McCain also said being limited to attending practice and classes has been another altered part of her life. While she would usually spend time with friends and participate in other activities, she now spends much more time at home.
“Not being allowed to do very much or see very many people hasn’t been fun, but I think now that we’re playing games it’s been worth it,” McCain said. “I’m super proud of our team. They’ve been doing really well with this whole COVID thing and social distancing.”
McCain said the team is emphasizing the importance of complying with the rules and restrictions in place and said that if someone on the team tests positive, everyone is expected to quarantine.
“Soccer is a contact sport, so we can’t really avoid touching people since we are pretty close to one another while practicing and playing,” McCain said. “We’re keeping our fingers crossed, hoping that doesn’t happen, but taking it day by day.”
As a veteran player and senior, McCain said she’s trying her best to maintain a positive attitude and set an example for her teammates. She said she has taken it upon herself to encourage the younger players and step into a leadership role in that regard.
“We could get shut down any day so you can’t really take any second for granted,” McCain said.
A&M coach G Guerrieri said he recognizes McCain’s potential to be instrumental on and off the field.
“Addie is a very special talent and a wonderful teammate,” Guerrieri said. “She has been our quarterback for the past few years, and her teammates really look up to her and follow the examples she sets.”
Looking ahead to the first game that’s quickly approaching, McCain said she’s nervous but excited.
“Our first game being an SEC game is so weird to think about, but I think we’ll be ready,” McCain said. “Everyone has been working really hard. There will be nerves obviously, but it will be fun.”
As someone who will be suiting up in the maroon and white for her final season, McCain said she’s excited to be taking minimal hours to focus her time on her craft before graduating in December. McCain said she hopes to win all eight games, making the Aggies regular season champs, and then hopes to continue her soccer career at the professional level.
Guerrieri said he has faith in her ability to do that.
“She’s playing with more confidence and flair than we’ve ever seen,” Guerrieri said. “All that experience, God-given ability and flourishing confidence makes her incredibly valuable and important to our success in the SEC this fall.”
Regardless of what this season has in store, McCain said her favorite thing about A&M has always been the atmosphere and the people.
“I have met some of the greatest people here that just makes this place feel like home,” McCain said. “I have such great friends and I’ve met people that I’ll remember forever, so I think that has just made my college experience the best that it could be.”