No. 14 sophomore wing Abbas Bangash gains possession of the ball and advances towards the try zone in Saturday’s game against UT.
On Saturday, Sept. 17, the Texas A&M men’s rugby Maroon Side will travel to the Charles Alan Wright Fields at the Berry M. Whitaker Sports Complex in Austin to play in the first Red River Rugby Conference 7’s tournament of the year.
The team starts the tournament at 10 a.m. against the University of North Texas, then plays the University of Texas at 11 a.m., Baylor at 12:20 p.m. and finishes against Texas Tech at 2 p.m. Texas A&M rugby is divided into two teams, Maroon and Grey. The Maroon Side plays in the Red River Rugby Conference; Grey Side plays in the Lonestar Rugby Conference.
“Having two teams is great for development,” seventh-year coach James Lowrey said. “Most other schools don’t have the size club we do, so they can only field one team.”
The Maroon Side is coming off a four-victory weekend in the “Dust off the Rust” Tournament that was hosted by the University of North Texas on Sept. 10 in Denton.
“It was phenomenal,” Lowrey said. “We have a lot of underclassmen and guys who have never played rugby before, and the attitude was awesome. Rugby won that day.”
For more information about the Texas A&M Men’s Rugby Club, visit aggierugby.com. Find them on Facebook at Texas A&M Men’s Rugby Club or on Instagram @aggierugbyfc.