Photo by Meredith Seaver
The Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band will not perform halftime drill according to most recent SEC guidelines.
The words, “Now forming at the North end zone of Kyle Field” will not be heard at Texas A&M football games this fall, according to new guidelines from the SEC released Friday.
Bands will be prohibited from performing on the field before games and at halftime during football games. Bands and spirit squads for the visiting team are prohibited from travelling with the team to stadiums where a reduced capacity is enacted.
In addition to performances, on-field presentations and recognitions are also prohibited under these new guidelines.
Press boxes will be limited to 50 percent capacity, and a limited number of photographers and contracted radio/TV personnel will be allowed on the field. All post-game press conferences will be held virtually.
For visiting teams, home stadiums with reduced stadium capacities must provide a minimum of 500 tickets located in the lower level of the stadium, if fan attendance is allowed. Upon mutual agreement, the visiting institution may be provided more or less than the 500 tickets.
According to a press release, these restrictions could be lifted during the season based on developments around COVID-19.
“The health of those around SEC athletics events remains in focus and, following advice of the SEC’s Return to Activity and Medical Guidance Task Force, we continue to develop policies intended to provide a healthy return to competition,” SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey said in the release. “Some of these are difficult decisions but are a reality of our circumstances, and we will continue to develop and refine policies as we monitor issues related to COVID-19.”