Kylee Elizabeth Piersol. Photo courtesy of the Piersol family.
July 24, 2001 – March 9, 2024
Kylee Elizabeth Piersol
Faithful, aspiring nurse who never backed down from a challenge.
“She was the type of person that you’d meet her and you feel like you’ve known her forever,” is how Mitzi Piersol described her daughter, Kylee.
Kylee’s happy place was the beach and when on vacation, she would always wake her family before the crack of dawn on at least one of the days to watch the sunrise, Mitzi said.
She was passionate and genuine. Kylee was a baseball fanatic, an immense bookworm, a devoted dog mom to Finley and a loving Auntie KyKy to two nephews.
Her parents describe Kylee as an old soul — a firecracker who was also meticulous. She loved coming home to a fresh house and always washed the laundry and dishes before heading home for the weekends.
“Everything was in order,” Drew, her dad, said. “All the pillows were fluffed. We see what she’s like when she’s here, but we’ve never been in her apartment without her. And so when you walk in, you’re like, ‘Man, that’s just not normal.’ But that’s how she was. She was very, very detailed. She was with it.”
Being an Aggie runs in the family. Her dad graduated in the Class of 1990, and her oldest brother was Class of 2019. Her fun fact when introducing herself is that she was named after Kyle Field.
The youngest of three siblings, Kylee was set to graduate with honors from Texas A&M this December and was planning on heading to Round Rock for her second degree. More than committed to her studies, she was always focused and waited until going home on weekends to let her hair down, her dad said.
“She would come home Thursday, she would get a glass of wine and then she would start opening up her medical books and start reading at the table,” Drew said. “She just wanted so much to learn and soak up everything to be the best nurse that she could be. I’m convinced she would have been one of the best.”
“She was just hell or high water,” he said. “She was going to get it. And I can’t tell you how pissed off she was when she got her only B.”
After discovering her love for health, Kylee became intrigued with nursing and majored in allied health, aspiring to become a labor and delivery nurse.
“She was really starting to grow into a woman and figure out what she wanted to do with life,” Drew said. “She’s wicked smart.”
Kylee passed a month before receiving her Aggie Ring. Mitzi now wears it in hopes that somebody will ask if she graduated from A&M, allowing her to talk about her daughter.
About a year ago, Kylee became active in studying the Bible. Her dad admired how people around her leaned on her for direction in such a short time.
“Her faith, I think, is really what we want her to be remembered by,” Drew said. “She was changing lives outside … To have so many people come up to us and just share stories and Bible study and all the things that she was doing for them to help them through whatever they were dealing with … Genuinely, if I’m looking at this and I’m trying to figure out why it happened, I think the why for me is that God wanted us to become closer to him, and through her, we are.”
The blessing at the end of the road, Drew says, is that he and Mitzi will see their daughter again.
“We all want to be together again … eternity is eternity,” Drew said. “Heaven’s a lot better than the alternative. So that’s what we’re trying to really refocus our lives on that. But she was a blessing. She was so gifted, so witty. She’s a lot like me.”