Paul Rand (R-KY), is the second candidate to join the 2016 presidential race.
Rand Paul became the second candidate to declare his run for the 2016 presidential election on Tuesday.
The senator from Kentucky spoke at a rally in Louisville, Kentucky.
His slogan to “defeat the Washington Machine, unleash the American Dream” was mentioned in his speech, and is a theme on his campaign website.
A libertarian, Paul lists his top three issues on his website as spending and debt, which he states he plans to decrease by cutting spending in all areas “particularly areas that are better run by state and local governments.” He also has a plan to cut term limits of representatives and senators to a 12-year maximum. Paul also listed tax reform as a part of his platform, advocating for a plan that included a tax cut of $700 billion a year.
An article in CNN said Paul will technically be running in two elections, as his Senate seat opens for election as well.