What is your Aggie story?
My Aggie story. So my brother came to A&M to do college and my first time at A&M was a parents’ weekend, and we actually got one of my dogs from the pet store in the mall, and then I came back up and we went to a football game. It was my first football game at A&M, and it was amazing and I fell in love with A&M and my brother always talked about the Aggie spirit, the culture, things like that and that’s what really made me fall in love with A&M.
What organizations are you involved with?
Last two years, I’ve been a camp counselor for Fish Camp, and I’m currently the president of Twelve, a four-year coed social service [organization] on campus.
Why are you running for student body president, and why do you think you’re qualified for this position?
One, I love this university, and I think that there are definitely improvements that can be made. I think I’m qualified not only because I’ve led a group of people this year, and I understand how to monitor budgets and things like that. But also, I feel like I get along with people pretty well and can promote this university to other people in a great way.
What is your campaign platform?
Right now, I’m running campaign "Carter cares," so our goal, my team’s goal, is to inspire change through selfless service and student interaction. That works on expanding opportunities for organizations, keeping our campus beautiful, reaching back to future Aggies, giving back to future Aggies and expanding our traditions and the impact of our traditions on campus.
Expanding opportunities for organizations. So the goal is there’s a lot of costs that go into organizations such as [Memorial Student Center] Open House. For example, each organization has to pay $250 just to be in [Memorial Student Center] Open House. I think organizations are a reason why students come to our university. I think that those costs should be lowered, because students go into these organizations, pay dues, and then have to pay for [Memorial Student Center] Open House, things like that. I think those costs for students to make friends should be cut lower.
Additionally, there’s scholarships where students can go and apply so that their dues can get lowered. Right now there’s a cap on that. I don’t think that money should be a problem for students when coming to organizations. I think if you wanna make friends that should be money. Money shouldn’t be the worry there. With keeping campus beautiful, I think in re-investing in where we go to school and our education. So this will be like Big Event, but coming to campus, clean things up when the university sees that we need improvements, and I think it would just be a great way for the community to come together on campus.
Giving back to future Aggies program. Right now we have recruiters in different cities in the state of Texas, going out and talking to high school students about A&M. I think that should come from Aggie students. I think high school students should hear about the Aggie experience from active college students. This would be a great way to go and get a variety of different students around our state and encourage them to come to Texas A&M.
Lastly, expanding traditions, I think traditions is one of the greatest parts of our university and expanding money into our traditions.
What is your campaign slogan?
Carter cares, inspiring timeless change through selfless service and student interaction.
Why do you think students should vote for you?
I think students should vote for me because I truly care about everybody on campus, and if people were to come up to me and ask me questions I love having conversations. That’s one of my favorite things about running this campaign is I’ve had time to spend with my friends and do things like that, planning the campaign and meeting all these people. I truly care about meeting new people and I love hearing people’s ideas about how we can make A&M better.
If you could hang out with any former student, who would it be and why?
My brother. He lives in D.C. right now, so if I could see him a little bit more that would be fun.