On Saturday, June 10, the College Station Police Department will host its second annual Family Fish at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library Pond from 7-11 a.m. The event is free to attend and a fishing license is not required to take home some catches of the day.
Family Fish is a fitting event for the Presidential Library because George H.W. Bush, the late 41st President of the United States, was an avid fisherman. Presidential Library Marketing and Communications Director Amy Raines said the first Family Fish took place less than a year ago.
“The first Family Fish took place in August last year, so you can imagine it was really hot and humid,” Raines said. “We’ve been planning for this year’s Family Fish since the conclusion of last year’s event, so learning off last year, we planned for the event to take place earlier in the summer. [Family Fish] is also something we want to do on a yearly basis with the College Station Police Department because President Bush really enjoyed fishing and taking his grandkids fishing.”
Though the library will provide a limited number of children’s fishing poles, attendees are encouraged to bring their own fishing poles and tackle boxes. Student employees from Outdoor Adventures, a department of Texas A&M’s Rec Center, will be in attendance to assist those fishing with baiting hooks and learning more about their programs.
“Since this is a private pond and it’s not connected to any stream, lake or other body of water, families will be able to fish without a [fishing] license,” Raines said. “The library is stocking the pond with catfish prior to the event in addition to the other fish we already have. The families are allowed to take home as many catfish as they catch. All other fish are catch-and-release.”
In addition to fishing, several other activities will take place close by, Raines said.
“Around the pond, we’ll have a taco truck, emergency vehicle displays and informationals taking place,” Raines said. “Whatever can’t be parked around the pond will be on display in our surrounding parking lots. The library will also open at 9:30 [a.m.] and will be open until 5 [p.m.]. The museum is also free for A&M students to tour anytime they want.”
This event marks the first of a busy June calendar for the library. The library encourages those who plan to attend to register for the event online beforehand by visiting their website.