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The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

Science & Technology

Award ceremony honors tech strides in film making

Srinivas Harshal February 23, 2015

While most of the Oscar season’s focus fell on Sunday’s events, a lesser-known ceremony two weeks ago awarded those who pushed filmmaking technology beyond its frontiers. The Academy’s...

Shelby Knowles — THE BATTALION
During the spring, general engineering freshman will apply for entry to specific majors.

Common First Year policy draws scrutiny

Josh Hopkins February 23, 2015

Many freshmen engineering students face an important decision this spring as a new policy within the 25 by 25 Initiative has them again filling out admissions applications — this time to specific...

Photo by Shelby Knowles
Students presented research posters and networked Thursday in the MSC throughout the day-long symposium.

A&M plant symposium debuts in MSC

Connor Paetzold February 19, 2015

Graduate students had the opportunity to showcase their work and learn about new technologies Thursday at Texas A&M’s first Plant Breeding Symposium. Three graduate students had the opportunity...

While the monarch butterfly is endangered, researchers remain cautiously optimistic as population numbers increase this year.

Migratory monarch population on the rise

Nikita Redkar February 18, 2015

After years of plummeting population numbers, there may be a glimmer of hope for the endangered monarch butterfly migration. Each year, the monarch butterfly leaves Canada and embarks on a migration spanning...

Plant breeding symposium sprouts at Texas A&M

Connor Paetzold February 18, 2015

People around the world will be exposed to new plant breeding techniques, thanks to the efforts of several Texas A&M graduate students. The Texas A&M Plant Breeding Symposium will be at the MSC...

Students gathered in the Emerging Technologies Building Wednesday to hear the survey’s results.

Survey shows some still unaware of 25 by 25

Josh Hopkins February 18, 2015

Student Engineers' Council presented the results of its 2014 Fall Survey on Tuesday. The survey aimed to gauge student opinion on current events within the Dwight Look College of Engineering. Questions...


Reduce, reuse, lift off again: New technology could make space travel more affordable

Katie Fuller February 15, 2015

The future of spaceflight might include reusable rocket components, if a private company’s engineering gamble pays off. Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, hopes to develop a way to land and...

Courtesy of GMTO Corporation
The Giant Magellan Telescope will be 10 times stronger than the Hubble Space Telescope when it comes online in the 2020s.

A&M fulfills funding commitment to world’s largest telescope

Katy Stapp February 12, 2015

Texas A&M secured its position at astronomy’s cutting edge Thursday when a unanimous vote at the A&M Board of Regents meeting approved the final half of it’s $50 million commitment...

Thomas Russel, ARL Director, visited A&M earlier this month to discuss the new Open Campus partnership.  

Army increases lab access to A&M researchers

Connor Paetzold February 11, 2015

The U.S. Army’s approach to scientific research and development is changing, and Texas A&M is one among a number of universities with the opportunity to collaborate on previously military-restricted...

Photo by Shelby KnowlesAMBER 3 was designed by professor Aaron Ames (left) at A&M to mimic human movement. 

Q&A: Aggie-built robots mimic human movement

Connor Paetzold February 5, 2015

Connor Paetzold, SciTech reporter, sits down with Aaron Ames, mechanical engineering professor and head of the A&M Bipedal Experimental Robotics Lab, to discuss his work with robots that mimic human...

The CMS detector is used to collect data on the particle collisions that happen inside the accelerator. 

Globe’s biggest physics project back on line with an A&M touch

Katie Fuller February 3, 2015

Texas A&M will leave its signature on the largest particle physics project in history after a battery of upgrades renews the search for answers to the universe. The Large Hadron Collider — the...

Shelby Knowles — THE BATTALIONAlaa Elwany and his team received a grant for $500,000 from NASA in order to pursue research on shape-memory alloys, or “smart metals.”

NASA grant funds ‘smart metals’ project

Spencer Davis February 2, 2015

Three Texas A&M professors are pursuing crucial research on shape-memory alloys — materials that can mend their shape in response to their environment. Shape-memory alloys are popular in a range...

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