On Sunday, the Texas House of Representatives passed the final version of SB11, “Campus Carry,” which now will wait on Gov. Abbott’s desk to be signed.
SB11 would expand areas open to concealed handguns such as college campus buildings both owned and leased by the institution.
The final version of SB11, “Campus Carry,” contains notable differences from previous editions of the bill.
Under the current version of the bill, university presidents will establish “reasonable rules, regulations, or other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns,” on campus. However, the bill clearly states that universities may not establish “general prohibitions” on concealed carry.
Concealed carry regulations set by the president may be overruled within 90 days by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Regents.
All rules and regulations set by a university must be distributed to the student body and sent to the State Legislature.
Unlike the previous version of SB11, which would have gone into effect this September, the current bill is now set to go into effect August 1, 2016 for four-year institutions, and August 1, 2017 for public junior colleges.