Around 452 senior cadets will step off from the Quad clad in khaki for the last time Saturday.
The Corps of Cadets will hold its annual Final Review for around 2,400 cadets on Simpson Drill Field at 9 a.m. Saturday, marking the official transition of ranks with two “passes.”
The first pass consists of cadets from all four class years marching past a “review stand,” where the commandant resides, inspecting the passing cadets. For the second pass and review, cadets wear their new class uniforms and march without the graduating seniors. Also during second pass, junior cadets will march for the first time in their senior boots.
“For seniors, other than graduation, this is effectively the last time they wear their uniform,” said Matt Vanderbloemen, communication senior and deputy Corps commander. “They will march the first pass as seniors and the second pass — what’s kind of cool about it is that each unit with the next year’s leadership will salute the senior class, as opposed to the commandant in the second pass. It’s this really cool farewell by the units they’ve been a part of to them as seniors.”
Colton Roberts, first wing chief of staff and civil engineering senior, said the experience of Final Review is nostalgic.
“I remember back in the day being a freshman scared out of my mind, with no idea what was going on,” said Roberts, who is a member of Squadron 3. “I have definitely grown and developed a ton, but time definitely flies. It seems it came too quick. It doesn’t even feel like it should be that time. It’s surreal.”
As the seniors are preparing to pass the baton to the junior class, Roberts said the Corps is in good hands.
“I think [the juniors] are going to do phenomenal,” Roberts said. “Every year, the Corps gets better and better. We learn from our mistakes the year prior. Each year, the Corps’ GPA increases, discipline incidents go down, and we’re very good at becoming a more diverse Corps.”
Vanderbloemen said Final Review carries some unique traditions with it for some outfits.
“For a lot of outfits, the juniors that have just become seniors at second pass, they come back to get their boots pulled and the people that show up to pull their boots are the seniors from their freshman year,” Vanderbloemen said. “So I’ll come back and pull the boots for the Class of 2019 when they become seniors. It’s a cool moment, because these are the guys you remember being seniors when you were a fish, and all of the sudden you’re a senior. It’s full circle.”
While Final Review marks the end of the year, it doesn’t mark the end of all the friendships and bonds made because of the Corps, said Patrick Dalton, kinesiology senior and member of Parsons Mounted Cavalry.
“It’s probably more sweet than bitter. It just marks the next stage in my life, and it’s the same for so many of my buddies,” Dalton said. “I know the Corps is a great thing. It’s where I met all of my best friends, but it’s cool to see where all my friends are going. This isn’t the end all, be all.”
Katy Stapp contributed to this article.