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The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

Science & Technology

(Left to right) Ghada Zakaria and Anusree Saseendran grapple with STEM challenge at Aggies Invent.

Inventing solutions

By Srinivas Harshal February 8, 2016

The World Economic Forum ranks the United States as No. 48 in quality of math and science education. In just 48 hours, the 60 student participants in Aggies Invent this weekend came up with ideas to address...

Technology that made the Hendo Hoverboard possible is shown off on a small track at the competition.

Guest column: ‘Faster than a speeding bullet’

By Gregory Chamitoff February 2, 2016

While we’re waiting for “Beam me up, Scotty” transporter technology, the next best thing might turn out to be getting to a destination at the speed of a bullet.  When it comes down...


Students see drone registration effects

By Josh Hopkins February 2, 2016

For just over a month, a new set of laws have governed the skies above America for drone enthusiasts.Implemented Dec. 21, the Federal Aviation Administration’s new regulations require individuals...

World Health Organization declares Zika virus a Public Health Emergency

Connor Smith February 2, 2016

The World Health Organization met Monday to go over the recent outbreak of Zika virus in Central and South America, and concluded the situation meets the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International...

Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX and the Hyperloop concept, visited campus Saturday for the Hyperloop Pod Design Competition.

Musk’s surprise showing

By John Rangel February 1, 2016

It was a surprise many hoped for but few saw coming — Elon Musk, the billionaire visionary responsible for the Hyperloop concept, made an appearance at the SpaceX Hyperloop Competition’s final...

Members of the TAMU Aerospace Hyperloop chosen for the Levitation subsystem award

A&M Hyperloop team advances

By Connor Smith February 1, 2016

One Aggie team — “TAMU Aerospace Hyperloop”— will move forward to the building stage after this weekend’s Hyperloop competition. The team of 35 Aggies won the Levitation subsystem...

Texas A&M will host the Hyperloop design competition, which will feature over 1,400 participating teams from academia and industry.

To break a pod

John Rangel January 29, 2016

In the first class of my first day as an aerospace engineering senior the professor walked to the front of the room, ripped the syllabus in half and told us we wouldn’t be studying propulsion systems...

Hyperloop design competition to be held at Kyle Field

Staff Report January 28, 2016

Friday and Saturday will bring more than 120 teams from across the nation and world to Texas A&M for the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition Design Weekend. Students and members of the public will...


CS mayor signs monarch-support pledge

By Zach Grinovich January 28, 2016

After decades of population loss, the monarch butterfly may get some relief from a national movement to make local areas more friendly to the endangered butterfly. The “Mayors’ Monarch...

Astronauts will begin unpacking and assembling the AggieSat4 Wednesday, which will be released from the ISS on Friday.

Aggie-built satellite to be assembled on ISS

By John Rangel January 27, 2016

A year-long project by Texas A&M students to control a satellite in Earth’s orbit will edge towards completion early Wednesday, as astronauts aboard the International Space Station begin unpacking...

The Mitchell Institute’s star parties are held throughout the semester on campus to give students a glimpse of the cosmos.

Spring’s first star party to be held outside Sbisa

By Connor Smith January 25, 2016

Star gazers can gather to enjoy the night sky Tuesday outside Sbisa Dining Hall at the first “star party” of the semester. Campus star parties, hosted by the A&M Mitchell Institute of Fundamental...

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