“Save Yourselves!” is a new indie comedy written and directed by Alex Huston Fischer and Eleanor Wilson. The film follows a hipster millennial couple as they take a weeklong technology-free vacation at a remote cabin in the woods. Unfortunately for them, their plans to relax and better themselves are interrupted by a global invasion of cute, yet deadly, aliens.
“Save Yourselves!” is a slow burning film. Its sparse plot is drawn out and its humor is subdued. The extent of the alien threat isn’t fully revealed until halfway through the film, and the action doesn’t pick up speed until it’s nearly over. Instead, the film keeps an intent focus on its two main characters, using the premise of alien invasion to explore their relationship.
As the pair tries desperately to survive in an unfamiliar place without the internet or any people around to guide them, they come to realize some hard truths about themselves and their lifestyle. But they also come to realize how much they mean to each other.
All things considered, this film isn’t particularly well put together. The plot feels very drawn out, and not enough happens to make the film’s short one-hour, 33-minute runtime feel justified. The story also feels a tad off-the-wall, with certain events going unexplained or coming out of nowhere. If you’re expecting a suspenseful disaster film or a meticulous sci-fi alien invasion backstory, this film is not for you.
Where the film does excel is in its two leads. The couple Jack and Su, played by John Paul Reynolds and Sunita “Su” Mani, respectively, are fantastic together. The two have great chemistry, but the film also makes it clear that they have some work to do on their relationship. The characters feel real, and each has their own distinct personality and interests. Su is the planner and realistic thinker, while Jack is lazier and more content to sit back and relax. This dynamic is effectively explored as the film progresses and Jack and Su’s relationship is simultaneously strained and strengthened by the ultimate test of survival. Reynolds and Mani play their roles to near-perfection. Mani specifically is the backbone of the film.
The film is a comedy, but it employs its humor in a way that’ll leave audiences quietly chuckling more than laughing out loud. The couple spends the first half of the film unaware of the alien invasion, and the movie uses their ignorance as a source of humor. The second half relies mostly on the fish-out-of-water scenario that arises when the two hipsters get stuck in the woods with no technology. The film is funny, but not hilarious.
Overall, “Save Yourselves!” is a humorous film with a good heart. Flaws aside, it is evident this indie comedy was made with a whole lot of passion and love. Some of that earnestness bleeds through into the film, making it into an imminently enjoyable experience. The film isn’t great, but Jack and Su are delightful enough to make spending an hour and a half with them worthwhile.
‘Save Yourselves!’ a sweet, slightly ramshackle indie comedy
October 22, 2020
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