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The Battalion

The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion


Students gather around the central campus location, the clocktower, for Bonfire remembrance at the Texas A&M University at Galveston campus.

Galveston’s Bonfire Remembrance embraces the spirit of the Aggie family

By Savannah Mehrtens @SJMehrtens November 17, 2017

Texas A&M University at Galveston students host a small ceremony at the center of their campus at 2:42 a.m. commemorating the 12 students who lost their lives in the Bonfire collapse. The Galveston...

Megan English, Walieta Kimmel, James Kimmel and Sydney Balusek visit the Bonfire Memorial where their family member, Lucas Kimmel, is honored.

The legacy of Bonfire

By John Rangel & Evan Flores November 17, 2015

Sixteen years ago, 12 students died and 27 were injured in a tragedy that continues to be felt across Texas A&M. The 1999 Aggie Bonfire Collapse may have ended campus Bonfire, but a family member of...

The Collapse sometimes seems like distant history, until reaching the Center Pole. When I wander to the center of the ring, I am always brought back to the time of the Bonfire Collapse. It happened right there. The circle we stand in isn’t just a designated location for a memorial; we stand right where the Stack fell only 16 years ago. We stand where we lost 12 members of our family, and right where we have taken the time to come together, year after year, and honor them.— Josiah Bezet, Muster Committee Chair

Bonfire Remembrance Ceremony to mark 16th anniversary of Stack Collapse

Connor Smith November 17, 2015

The 2015 Bonfire Remembrance Ceremony will be held Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 2:42 a.m. at the campus Bonfire Memorial to honor the 12 students who died in the 1999 Bonfire Stack Collapse. The ceremony will...

The only year Bonfire did not burn outside the 1999 Collapse was in 1963, when the student body canceled Burn to honor John F. Kennedy.

The other night Bonfire didn’t burn

Josh Hopkins November 17, 2015

Prior to the 1999 Aggie Bonfire Collapse, Bonfire was lit every year since the tradition began in 1909 with the exception of the Bonfire in 1963. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas...

Bonfire Column

‘Remember the fallen’

Cody Buczyna November 17, 2015

“From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.” As Aggies, we all recognize this quote and probably use it on a daily...

Each year after the Bonfire Remembrance Ceremony, members of Squadron 2 visit the tree planted in Bryan McClain’s honor.

Trees grow for the 12 victims of the 1999 Aggie Bonfire Collapse

By Megan Rodriguez November 17, 2015

The Bonfire Memorial on Texas A&M’s campus is set in stone, but 12 trees planted next to it stand as living, growing monuments to the students who died the morning of Nov. 18, 1999. Near the...

Plaques of the twelve fallen Aggies can be found under twelve trees off of University Road.

Twelve Trees

November 16, 2015

The Bonfire Memorial on Texas A&M’s campus is set in stone, but 12 trees planted next to it stand as living, growing monuments to the students who died the morning of Nov. 18, 1999. Photos by:...

The Portals are a representation of each of these individual’s lives and how their loved ones have chosen for them to be remembered. These individuals serve as my inspiration and their portals provide a window into their lives. The lives of people I would have never had the opportunity to meet, yet they have impacted me in such a beautiful way and I will never truly be able to put it into words. — Rachel Thompson, Social Activities and Events Chair of Traditions Council

Remembered in Stone

November 16, 2015

Bonfire Memorial was designed as an everlasting symbol to A&M’s greatest tradition, and tragedy. Student leaders reflect on symbolism inherent throughout the memorial. Photos by: Alexis Will

Aggies gather for Bonfire Remembrance at 2:42 a.m. Tuesday to honor the lives of 12 students killed in the 1999 Aggie Bonfire Collapse.

In the aftermath

November 16, 2015

Twelve students died and 27 were injured the morning of Nov. 18, 1999, when the annual Aggie Bonfire collapsed at 2:42 a.m. The Stack was built over the fall semester by students who managed all aspects...

Student Bonfire members display their pots at Stack site. Cody Franklin — THE BATTALION

Bonfire ‘pots’ a beacon of tradition

Katie Canales November 25, 2014

One of the oldest and most respected traditions within the Student Bonfire organization are their safety helmets, better known as “pots.” Pots are one of the many traditions practiced by the...

Crowds gather  before last year’s Stack on burn night.

Fuel for the Aggie spirit: Wednesday’s bonfire burn marks the conclusion of a season’s work

Aimee Breaux November 25, 2014

When creating sand mandalas, Buddhist monks create elaborate designs out of colorful sand. They sculpt every minute detail to symmetrical perfection, and when it’s done, without words, they simply...

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