As you approach your mid-twenties, there is a crushing narrative pushed upon you, and it reaches its peak during Valentine’s Day. It’s this idea that for you to be special and complete, you have to be in a relationship. If you are not taken, then you are not worth taking.
I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a load of crap.
Being in a relationship — or sans relationship, for that matter — doesn’t make you special. Loving yourself, single or taken, makes you special.
I’ve spent Valentine’s Days with boyfriends and found myself disappointed. I’ve also spent Valentine’s Days alone and disappointed. In both scenarios, I’ve been miserable. I figured out why: Missing in the Valentine’s Days of my past was self love.
I found myself in bad relationships because I wanted validation that I was good enough. I found myself alone and thought that was proof that I wasn’t. But this year, having a boyfriend or not isn’t going to change how much I love and accept myself.
This Valentine’s Day, I am making myself the priority and choosing to be my own Valentine. I am taking myself out to dinner, watching my favorite movie and buying myself flowers. Because at the end of the day, the only person who absolutely has to love me for all my flaws and quirks is me.
Now, I am not saying dump your partners and celebrate alone. I am simply suggesting that you show yourself some love during the holiday.
It feels great to be loved by someone, and Valentine’s Day is a fantastic opportunity to make your significant other and friends feel special. But while you’re showering love on the important people in your lives, don’t forget to sprinkle some on yourself.
So whether or not you’re sharing your Valentine’s Day with someone this year or spending it alone, make sure you are showing love to yourself in the process.
Roses are red and violets are blue, say I do to your one and only: you. If you love yourself, single or taken, you’ll never find your heart alone and breakin’. Take yourself for better or worse, and in times of doubt, just remember this verse. Choose yourself, and it’ll all be fine. This year, be your own Valentine.
Maddie McMurrough is an agricultural communications and journalism senior and opinion columnist for The Battalion.