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The Battalion

The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

The Student News Site of Texas A&M University - College Station

The Battalion

Swan Songs

Managing Editor Kyle McClenagan will graduate from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in history and a minor in journalism on Thursday, May 11 at 7 p.m.

‘As much as you know as quickly as possible’

Some people think everything happens for a reason, but I have never believed in that. I would rather take the chaos of life one day at a time. I take pride in creating something out of nothing because...

Editor-in-chief Michaela Rush will graduate from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in English and a minor in Spanish on Thursday, May 11 at 7 p.m.

My place, my passion

How do you summarize three years into 500 words or less? Hundreds of moments and thousands of words to explain how a subterranean, fluorescent-lit office could change your life.Anyone who has spent more...

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Swan Song: The race before you

Jordan Epp @j_epp22 December 5, 2022

Sometimes I wonder if I was ever supposed to be in the position I’m in right now. Texas A&M wasn’t my first choice, journalism wasn’t my first major, I told myself I’d never...

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Swan Song: Picture perfect: My time as photo chief

Cameron Johnson @cameronjdot December 5, 2022

My name is Cameron Johnson, and I am — rather, was — the photo chief and graphics editor at The Battalion. I’ve covered politics, local stories, entertainment and sports.So many sports.I...

Opinion columnist Kaelin Connor is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in Psychology on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m. 

The road less traveled

By Kaelin Connor @KaelinAC May 13, 2022

As a graduate, I can look back at my four years and see many missteps. I can see insecurities and irresponsible behaviors that would’ve saved me a lot of trouble had I known what I now do. I can...

Life & Arts reporter and photographer Hannah Shaffer is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in German on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m.

Stubbornly successful

I’d like to say my time at Texas A&M has always been enjoyable. In an ideal world, I would be graduating with a nuclear physics degree and an Air Force contract after spending my four years in...

Opinion columnist Zach Freeman is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in Anthropology on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m.

So long and farewell

By Zach Freeman @ZachAtBatt May 13, 2022

What is there to say that hasn’t already been said about good ol’ Texas A&M? From the peaks of the Texas Avenue H-E-B to the valleys of the William D. Fitch H-E-B, Aggieland is truly a...

News editor Aubrey Vogel is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's in University Studies-Journalism on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m.

And the story goes on

Leaving my hometown in August of 2019, I really didn’t know exactly what college would look like, but I knew two things: I had a support system that would never dwindle and I would find my home away...

Special Sections and Audience Engagement editor Lauren Discher is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in English on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m.

Hope floats

“ Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it is the middle that counts the most.” This quote — which I originally thought my parents cleverly created — belongs to Birdee...

Managing Editor Julia Potts receives her Aggie Ring this Friday Sept. 24 at 10:30am. 

Lesson learned, degree earned

By Julia Potts @juliaapotts May 13, 2022

In three short years at Texas A&M, I have learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. This may be due to the hectic college environment, or perhaps living away from my childhood home, but...

Editor-in-chief Myranda Campanella is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's in International Studies on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m.

A better person because of it all

When I made the decision to attend Texas A&M as a senior in high school across the pond, my initial thought was how cringe it would be to say the word “Howdy.” I thought the Aggie Ring...

Design editor Cori Eckert is graduating from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s in University Studies-Journalism on Friday, May 13 at 4 p.m.

Turn the page

By Cori Eckert @corieckert May 13, 2022

I have rewritten this about a thousand times. I am not a writer, despite my degree in journalism. My “Aggie story” began when my mom woke me up for school one morning and said I had been accepted...

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